Welcome to the Quenda Books website, where you'll find stories and information about bandicoots.
Quenda Books is an independent publisher formerly located in the Perth Hills, a region noted for its wildflowers, wine, walking trails and wildlife, including the southern brown bandicoot. Known as a 'quenda' in the Nyungar language, the southern brown bandicoot is a small Western Australian marsupial. In 2014 Quenda Books relocated to Tasmania.
Quenda Books publishes the "Scoot, Scoot Bandicoot" ® book series by Karen Treanor. The series' purpose is to entertain and educate children, and to increase awareness and appreciation of bandicoots among the general public.
Please visit the bandicoot diary pages for
entertaining short stories about bandicoots. For more
resources on Australian wildlife and children's books, visit our link
partners.There are several photographs of bandicoots on our photo page, including Stumpy, the orphan baby bandicoot Karen raised to maturity.
Karen attends many fairs and fetes and markets with her books, and also gives talks to children and adult groups about her adventures with wildlife as well as the trials and tribulations of being a small publisher. Email Quenda Books. for information about booking a talk or inviting Quenda Books to participate in your event.
Quenda Books attends many local markets. If you’d like to know where we will be this weekend, send us an email and we’ll let you know.
Karen presents talks at schools and libraries for Children’s Book Week and other times by arrangement. She also talks to book clubs and social groups. For information or to book a talk, email Quenda Books.
Our children's books feature the lovable marsupial the bandicoot, also known as the isoodon obesulus.
The Scoot, Scoot Bandicoot® book series is available as individual books or a set.